• Breaking Into The C-Suite: The Executive Job Search

    If you are looking to land a job as an executive, there are some job search rules that differ from a traditional search. If you want to “go big,” you need to think big and out of the box.

    Here are four distinct differences and some suggested steps for success:

    You can’t rely on job boards; you have to network. Realistically, your next executive position, or your first one, is going to come from networking. That’s how many of the best jobs are found, and it’s even more true the higher up you go on the career ladder. This is partly because finding the right cultural fit is so important at the executive level. It's unlikely that you're going to get a position by applying to an online job board. In fact, you probably won't ...
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  • How To Spot A Toxic Job Before You Take It


    No one wants to accept a job offer and then discover that the position is something completely different (and much worse) than what they expected. Unfortunately, this happens all the time. It can be very challenging to know what it will be like to work for a company until you take the job. However, there are steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of getting a nasty surprise after you accept a position.

    A word of caution: there is a lot of advice on this topic, some of which is downright awful. One social media post I read from a resume writing company suggested that candidates visit the company’s bathroom before or after the job interview. The post explains that if there’s an empty toilet paper roll that no one replaced, it’s a sign of a company ...
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  • Recession-Proof Your Career

    There has been a lot of talk about the recession. Things have been bleak economically and in many people’s careers over the past two years. In this article, I’m going to share six strategies to help you to navigate what might be ahead and to recession-proof your career. If you take these steps, you will be well-positioned to navigate a career setback, such as a layoff.

    Keep your skills updated. Staying up to date on technology is incredibly important in this increasingly digital world. Think of what skills are most relevant to your specific Is there a certification that you can earn? Is there an online course that you can take? Think about what will make you competitive in your field. Do everything you can to make yourself as marketable and current as possible. Nearly every field has courses and ...
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  • The Truth About "Quiet Quitting"

    There’s a lot of talk about quiet quitting these days. In fact, quiet quitting is not new;  it’s just been given a catchy name and gone viral. Quiet quitting is an act done by people who are not satisfied or engaged at their jobs – they do the minimum level of work and are usually looking for a new job at the same time. Then, one day they suddenly quit without telling their manager that they have been unhappy. Many people do this. I've done it, and I know clients and family members who have done it, too.

    While people may argue whether quiet quitting is good, bad, or ethical, the real issue is determining why you want to quietly quit in the first place. Is the job a poor fit for your skills and interests? Are you scared to speak ...
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  • Master The Salary Negotiation

    Salary negotiation can be one of the more challenging parts of the interview process. You may be wondering: How much should you ask for? How can you find out what the position typically pays?  Will your job offer be withdrawn if you negotiate salary?  Read on for answers to these and other common questions, as well as tips to help you prepare for your next negotiation.

    Three Quick Rules of Negotiation

    Try to delay the conversation until an offer is made. You have the most negotiating power at the time of the offer, but before you accept it. Discussing your salary requirements too early in the process can leave you at a disadvantage because you have less information about the position.

    Ask the company to disclose its salary range first. It’s ...
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  • When The Job Search Isn't Working

    One of the most common challenges that my clients encounter is the disappointment of not getting the job they really wanted. You probably know what that’s like. You've pinned your hopes on that one job, and then you get that dreaded rejection email (usually an automated one these days). For some people, especially those who are unemployed, this disappointment can be crushing.

    Job hunting can feel like a waste of time and effort, and you may not be sure what to do next.  I have some suggestions for you.

    First, you need to get in the right mindset. Decide ahead of time how you are going to respond when the rejection and disappointment happens. Part of any job search is not getting some of the jobs that you want. It’s going to happen, regardless of who ...
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  • How To Work With Recruiters

    Whether you love them or hate them, chances are you will come in contact with a recruiter while job hunting. As a former recruiter and hiring manager myself, I know that it's often a complicated relationship between job seekers and recruiters. I read dozens of posts on LinkedIn from frustrated job seekers who bash recruiters, and from frustrated recruiters who bad-mouth job seekers.

    In my opinion, there is simply a lack of understanding on both sides. This article will help you better understand the role that recruiters play, and how you can work with them in a positive and constructive way during your search.

    Three Basic Rules for Interacting with Recruiters:

    1.There's More Than One Type of Recruiter. Working with an agency recruiter will give you a different experience than an in-house recruiter who ...
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  • Leveraging Your Network, Part 2: Get Referred For A Job

    This is the second part of an article about “Leveraging Your Network.” The first part explained how to identify who's in your network and how they’re connected to your target companies. This article will discuss how to engage your network in your job search.

    Once you’ve developed your targeted list of connections, where do you go from there? You might be wondering how to approach those contacts, what to say to them, and most importantly, how to turn those connections into actual job leads.

    Networking is about being part of a mutually beneficial relationship. Therefore, instead of directly asking your contacts to help you find a job, ask them for these three things: Advice, Insights, and Recommendations –  which create the memorable acronym A.I.R. Whenever you're networking, remind yourself that you just need to get ...
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  • Leveraging Your Network, Part 1: Who To Connect With

    Teaching job seekers how to identify and leverage their network is one of the cornerstones of my coaching:  determining who's already in their network and how to leverage those relationships. While networking is critical to a successful job search, it is often one of the most challenging parts for people. Those who are shy or introverted may not feel comfortable reaching out to their contacts. Others may not know how to ask their network for professional support, or worry might look pushy or that they’re expecting favors.

    Because networking is such a big topic, it warrants two articles. This article will discuss how to identify who's in your network and how they’re connected to your target companies and positions. In the second part, we'll discuss how to ask those in your network to refer you for a specific position.

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  • Three Strategies to Get More Job Offers

    Maybe you're looking for work because you lost your job due to COVID, or maybe you have a job but are looking for something better. Whatever your situation, read on to learn three clear and practical strategies for turning your interviews into job offers.

    Address the elephant in the room. In the case of job hunting, the “elephant” is any career weakness or challenge you feel you need to overcome in order to get the position. It could be a gap on your resume from when you were unemployed or took time off. Or maybe you have short job tenures. Maybe you are older and feel like you're facing age discrimination. Whatever your elephant is, I have an unconventional strategy for you: acknowledge it instead of trying to cover it up.

    When I'm coaching someone who has a ...
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